How do I get my total program in Teamy?


In Teamy you can import your total competition program. Many sports associations offer the competition program with a “calendar file” that can be reached via a website, app or e-mail. This calendar file is generally updated automatically. As a team admin you can import this calendar file into Teamy. A calendar file is offered as an .ics or .ical file. You need the url (link) of this calendar file.

Copy the url / link of the calendar file that you have received from your sports association. (Example:

  • Copy the url on your phone by pressing and holding the link. A pop-up appears where you can copy the url / link.
  • Or; copy the link on your computer by right-clicking on the link. A pop-up appears where you can copy the url / link

But where in Teamy?

  1. Open the Teamy app and go to “Calendar”
  2. Press the plus sign “(+)” to create a program
  3. Select “Program import”
  4. Paste the url / link in the next step at the “Program import” of the Teamy app.